University of Dunaújváros, 9 buildings

Commercial project in Dunaújváros, Hungary

Project category Commercial
Project type Renovation project
Year of completion 2024
Size of project(m2) 5.000+
Number of KNX devices used 1.000+
KNX brands Show/hide
KNX Transmission media
Twisted pair
Man hours 2.000+
Man power 11 – 25
Products that carry the KNX logo are a confirmation of high product quality, these products will communicate perfectly together and I didn't have to worry about working with inferior material.

Project characteristics

This diagram shows the level of energy efficiency, innovation and ease of use in the project. The main characteristic is displayed in the centre.

Applications used

The icons marked in blue are the applications used in this project via KNX.

Heating, Ventilation & Air conditioning (HVAC)
Blind and Shutter Control
Security and Safety
Operation and Visualisation
Automation and Remote Access
Energy Management/Smart Metering

Detailed description

Energy Efficiency

The usage of automated functions already save energy in every installation. Especially the usage of KNX has a lot of potential for further energy savings, which can contribute to a better environmental footprint. Be extending KNX to more functions and applications, energy savings of up to 60% can be realised. Thanks to the flexibility of KNX, these functions can easily be implemented in this installation


Smart homes and buildings are always an upgrade in comparison to a conventional installation. Not only automated functions and a higher level of comfort contribute to a higher living standard, but also the possibility to be ready for coming innovations. Thanks to the usage of KNX, the door has been opened to integrate new innovative solutions, using the worldwide STANDARD for home and building control.

Ease of Use

By integrating KNX, we automatically experience a higher energy efficiency and comfort. Furthermore, by the possibility to use further devices, in order to make the usage of the project easier, we can look at further opportunity to even make the whole installation easier in usage.

Applications used

  • Lighting: Switching , Timed Control
  • Heating, Ventilation & Air conditioning (HVAC): Central & Automatic Control , Timed Operation Modes , Individual Room Control / Zone Control , Valve Drive Control / Fan Coil Control
  • Security and Safety: Faults (e.g. Leak Detection, Glass Break Detection, Window Contacts)
  • Operation and Visualisation: Switches / Push Buttons , PC Visualisation , Web Servers , Touch Panels & Display Panels , Tablets and smart phones
  • Automation and Remote Access: Timed Functions , Logical Functions , System Supervision , Internet Access , Remote Programming , Messaging (e.g. SMS)
  • Energy Management/Smart Metering: Metering , Data Logging , Visualisation , Current Detection , Use of Renewable Energies

Customer's description

Energy prices have risen dramatically in recent years, so operation has become very expensive. That is why the investment was made. 95% of the devices use KNX TP communication. However, where the aesthetic needs of the buildings required, wireless thermoheads were installed on 40 radiators. In most of the rooms, the lighting control was also realized with the help of actuators and push buttons installed in place of traditional switches. The KNX electricity consumption meters in the educational buildings measure the consumption by level at the main supply in the dormitories. In the garden of future developments, the entire air handling system of a completely finger-built building will be integrated into the system. The current visualization with 20,000 data points can reach 30,000 data points with full deployment. A further energy-saving development is the integration of the heat quantity meters, water meters and DHW circulation control of all heating centers.

Contact information

Company name Elektro-Kamleithner Kft.
Company email
Company website
Contact name Zoltan Balogh
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